Just after midnight on December 4, 2019 Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency (BHANSA) took control of air traffic in the entire airspace of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The completion of the SEE FRA project (South East Europe Free Route Airspace) on November 7, 2019 has opened up 24/7 cross border free route operations across the airspace of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
The FAB CE Steering Committee (FABSC) met at the end of 2019 to review progress on some of the major technical and operational partnership programmes being undertaken by FAB CE air navigation services providers (ANSPs).
The Social Dialogue Forum took place 12 November in Vienna, main topic on the agenda: the new FAB CE Strategy.
Following the publication earlier this year of the report by the Wise Persons Group on Air Traffic Control and the SESAR JU’s Airspace Architecture Study (see below), the FAB CE Steering Committee has begun work to align its portfolio of cooperative programmes with these publications and will announce a new development strategy in early 2020.
Applicants have until 10 November 2019 to submit an abstract to present a paper at the research workshop Interdependencies within ATM Performance in the context of a dynamic environment taking place in Rome 14-15 May 2020.
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