State Level Structures

State level structures are responsible for the implementation and operation of FAB CE in line SES legislation. The FAB CE Agreement establishes the following state-level structures: 

  • FAB CE Council

Established as the highest joint decision-making body for the purposes of the implementation, operation and further development of the FAB CE Agreement.

  • Joint Civil Military Airspace Coordination Committee (JC-MACC)

Established to institutionally cover civil/military cooperation in respect to FAB CE operations, aiming at strategic coordination of national airspace management and airspace design policies, ATFCM processes and civil-military cooperation of all FAB CE States.

  • National Supervisory Authorities Coordination Committee (NSA CC)

Established to exercise the tasks outlined in the FAB CE and NSA Cooperation Agreements.
If deemed necessary for implementation, operation and further development of the FAB CE, the FAB CE Council may establish other bodies.

ANSP Level Structures

ceoc smallIn line with anticipated enhanced cooperation among ANSPs in FABs, the FAB CE ANSPs have established the following cooperation structures through the ANSP Cooperation Agreement: 

  • CEO Committee
    Established as the high-level decision-making body responsible for taking all necessary and appropriate decisions to facilitate ANSP cooperation.
  • FAB CE Steering Committee
    Established as the body responsible for directing the work of sub-committees and other structures. It is responsible for coordinating and monitoring ANSP cooperation.
  • Programme Management
    Established to support projects and manage deliverables from projects. Other tasks include requesting and receiving regular reports from project leaders and evaluating risks and change.
  • Sub-committees at executive/working level
    Established to carry out ANSP cooperation in specialist areas. To this end, sub-committees have been formed to cover operations, technical matters, financial matters, safety, human resources and training activities. Other sub-committees may be established, if necessary.

FAB CE Common Entity (FCE)

FAB CE formally set up a legal entity in October 2014, when the members established the joint venture company "FAB CE Aviation Services". The FAB CE legal entity (FCE) is a limited company registered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and is responsible for the support to the implementation of the FAB CE programme.