As the December 4th deadline approaches the European Commission has formally been notified on the establishment of FAB CE and the jointly designated air traffic service providers within FAB CE. The overall added value of all FAB CE projects has also recently been summarized in a detailed document.
Notification to EC on establishment of FAB CE
Information on jointly designated ANSPs
Overall added value of all FAB CE Projects
The 8th FAB CE CEO Committee took place in Vienna on November 12th.The main topics on the agenda included the on-going FAB CE strategy development and an update on project activities by the Program Manager.
The next CEO Committee meeting will be held on January 18th in Vienna.
FAB CE has duly considered the observations in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 176/2011 and has put together a detailed and thorough response to the observations made during the EC Consultation Process. The submitted documents can be found here.
The 2nd Social Dialgoue Forum 2012 was held in Budapest on the premises of Hungarocontrol on October 17th. Among the items on the Agenda were:
The resepctive presentations can be found in the SD Members Area
In addition to the Live Trial, executed in May 2012, three different scenarios will be performed during the Real Time Simulation from 15th of October until 26th of October 2012 at Eurocontrol`s Headquarter in Brussels.
The functional integration of the ASM and ATFCM coordination functions at FAB CE level is considered one of the major improvements provided by FAB implementation. The current different ASM/ATFCM organisational solutions as well as process and procedures in place need to be improved. The centralisation of ASM/ATFCM coordination functions at FAB level will provide a harmonised implementation of process and procedures supporting an enhanced cooperation among FAB CE States for a better utilisation of airspace.
The FAB CE ASM/ATFCM integration Real time simulation will be run from 15th of October 2012 until 26th of October 2012 and will examine the practicalities of application of ASM /ATFCM coordination procedures and ASM coordination tools in the FAB CE environment. It will assess the interactions between the National AMCs, FMPs and the NM, the workloads of the various actors, and the CDR availability notification process. It will also measure, both subjectively and objectively, the benefit of the procedures.
The Real Time Simulation is focusing on identifying and testing operational coordination procedures on the FAB level in the pre-tactical phase:
Main purpose of the Real Time Simulation training is to prepare AMC and FMP staff from FAB CE States/ANSPs in the operational use of required system support and procedures, developed for the purpose of the execution of Real Time Simulation.
The geographical scope of this Real Time Simulation comprises the airspace of FIR’s of all seven FAB CE States, namely: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 7th FAB CE CEO Committee took place in Vienna on September 13th. Among the main topics discussed were the FAB CE strategy development, the approval of the FAB CE "Free Route" concept and roadmap, enhancing the static scenario towards a "Free Move" scenario. The approval of a consolidated ANSP response to the observations raised in the context of the FAB CE consultation and the review of the improved project progress in 2012.
The final conclusions of this meeting represent a major step towards the successful implementation of FAB CE by December 2012.
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