Dragan BilacThe 11th FAB CE CEO Meeting was held in Vienna on May 21. In accordance with the ANSP agreement the chairmanship was transferred from the current chairman Johann Zemsky, Austro Control to Dragan Bilać, Director General of Croatia Control. The transfer will go into effect June 1, the term will run for one year.

Dragan Bilać (1970) graduated from the Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

He started his career in the Technical Division of Croatia Airlines, continued it in Siemens Information and Communication and came to Croatia Control Ltd (CCL) in 2003, where he was first appointed as safety manager of CroATMP (Croatian Air Traffic Management Modernisation Project).


He also led the implementation of the safety management system (SMS) in CCL and, from 2007 to February 2013, he was in charge of the CCL Safety and Quality Department.  He was FAB CE Safety Sub-Committee Manager (2008-2013) and Eurocontrol Safety Team Member (2007-2013). In March 2013 he was appointed Director General of CCL.Johann Zemsky and Dragan Bilac

Among other topics discussed at the FAB CEOC were updates on the status of Subcommittee activities as well as the ongoing FAB CE Strategy Development.