Main objectives improvement of flight efficiency and safety
On 7 May, 2015 in Budapest, directors general of aviation from the six FAB CE states laid down plans for the next few years in order to increase the overall efficiency of air navigation services. The performance plan for the 2015-2019 period sets national and common objectives for safety, environment, capacity and cost efficiency.
The most important aviationendeavour of the European Union is the implementation of the Single European Sky by the comprehensive re-organisation of the European airspace, to improve safety, the environmental impact, capacity and cost efficiency of European aviation One of the key elements of achieving these goals is the establishment of nine functional airspace blocks (FABs) instead of the previously existing state boundary-based system of the European airspace.
In order to increase cooperation between the air navigation services of FABs, action and investment plans are prefixed in five-year based performance plans to be finalised by the Member States, consulted with airlines and approved by the European Commission. The developments and operation of air navigation services aligned to these performance plans contribute to the radical reduction of the significant delays previously experienced in the European airspace as well as to a decrease in fuel consumption and emissions by setting up shorter and more efficient route network. The official FAB CE Performance Plan for the second Single European Sky Reference Period (RP2 2015 – 2019) was now signed in Budapest.
The General Meeting and the Head of the Supervisory Board Ziga Ogrizek have appointed Matej Eljon as new director of FAB CE Aviation Ltd. The designated director will be responsible for running both the day to day business of the Company as well as the Programme Management for FAB CE.
As former Head of CNS and ATM systems at Slovenia Control Matej Eljon has significant experience in Air Navigation Services. As newly appointed director his main responsibilities will be the implementation of the FAB CE Strategy including programme planning and management. He will also be overseeing the common FAB CE project management, a vital corner stone in the efficient realization of FAB CE projects.
CEO Committee approved Framework Contract for the provision of FAB CE Program Support Services by FAB CE Aviation Services Limited
FAB CE ANSPs contracted their company FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd. with the provision of Program Support Services until end of 2016. Upon recognition of the FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd. as Contracting Authority the Call for Tender of FAB CE Program Support Office (PSO) was published on 23rd March 2015.
The publication is available in the Official Journal of the European Union:
and on the Slovenian national portal of public procurement
Air navigation service providers of Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) and representatives of trade unions from the FAB CE region held their meeting on November 27, 2014 in Budapest, at the headquarters of HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte.
The participants of the FAB CE Social Dialogue forum had a consultation about their views regarding SES II+, the common strategy of FAB CE, the tasks of the new FAB CE legal entity, the impact of the restriction in Ukrainian airspace, the opportunities to further improve the cooperation between European FABs as well as HR&TRN activities. The conference was co-chaired by Kornél Szepessy, current Chairman of FAB CE CEO Committee and CEO of HungaroControl, and by Alexander Rovina, air traffic controller of Austro Control representing the FAB CE Union Alliance.
The FAB CE Social Dialogue opens the door for ANSPs and representatives of air navigation services trade unions twice a year to consult about current issues affecting the airspace block. The forum serves as a great opportunity to transfer information and knowledge in a more structured way, to identify important challenges, to exchange opinions and to develop common positions.
‘The Social Dialogue framework is an important tool and platform for all of us since it is our common goal that FAB CE should become Europe’s most highly recognised functional airspace block.’ – said Kornél Szepessy, chairman of FAB CE CEOC, CEO of HungaroControl.
As one concrete result of the Forum ATCO Union participants expressed their agreement to the presented draft of a common Position Paper on ATCO Mobility. After the final decision of the CEOC it will be a tactile example and the result of the continuous dialogue between Social Partners in FAB CE.
During the meeting participants discussed several valid issues of FAB CE co-operation. The open discussion started on SES II+ legislative package of the European Commission – which led to important conclusions and messages including the view of the trade unions, that safety and capacity issues should be addressed in the new legislation. Based on aspects such as capacity overload the further development of Safety Management Systems (SMS) should be carried out with CEOC involvement at the highest level. The participants of FAB CE Social Dialogue forum also analysed the situation resulting from the restriction of the Ukrainian airspace, as well as its consequences and the options for managing the pressure on FAB CE air traffic controllers in terms of workload and responsibility.
Union representatives were also given detailed information about the recently approved common strategy of FAB CE. The CEOC Chairman welcomed the initiative of unions to be continuously involved in the improvement of the next FAB CE Strategy update of 2015.
An overview of Performance Scheme Reference Period 2 (RP2 – 2015-2019) was also presented. Unions are certain on benefits for airlines stemming from actions taken towards cost efficiency and improvement of performance.
The presentation of the FAB CE Legal Entity (FABCE, Aviation Services, Ltd.) initiated an active exchange of views on the planned operation and the way of support for the implementation of FAB CE Programme. The conclusion of the last interFAB meeting was also on the agenda, namely that the operational experiences of the other FABs, the possible strengthening of relations and the potential for further common development create new opportunities for cooperation in the future.
Status SES2+
FAB CE Strategy
RP2 Targets
FAB CE Legal Entity
Inter FAB Cooperation
HR and Training
A Letter on inter-FAB cooperation was signed by the State level bodies of FAB Central Europe and the BLUE MED FAB, in the interest of improved co-ordination on the policies adopted for improving ANS/ATM in Europe. The respective ANSP cooperation agreement was signed on September 3 in Prague.
The arrangement concluded between the FAB CE (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia) and the BLUE MED FAB (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta) State level bodies, is meant to facilitate at regional level the ANS/ATM developments as envisaged in the Single European Sky programme advocated by the European Commission.
The co-operation established between FAB CE and BLUE MED FAB at all governance levels meets the requirements included in the SES legislation and is aimed to contribute to optimum effectiveness, efficiency and capacity of ATM/ANS and to enhance current safety standards.
BLUE MED FAB and FAB CE are committed to continuous engagement with their neighbouring EU and non-EU States in their deployment initiatives and all activities aimed at delivering better performance.
For further information please visit:
Brnik, Slovenia. October 17, 2014
FAB CE states react to integration challenges with common procurement-based cooperation
Executives of the air navigation service providers of the Functional Airspace Block of Central Europe (FAB CE) signed the foundation deed of a joint venture on October 17th, 2014, at Brnik, Slovenia.
FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd was established with the participation of the ANSPs of Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia, while it is expected that BHANSA from Bosnia and Herzegovina will join the association at a later stage. The joint venture will be responsible for the support of the implementation of the FAB CE programme.
The establishment of FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd – which is the second company in Europe established under a FAB umbrella besides NUAC (Nordic Unified Air Traffic Control) – is a significant milestone in implementing the European Union’s Single European Sky (SES II) programme.
The company will be responsible for the professional management of various regional air navigation projects. The joint company will foster implementation of already existing FAB CE projects, facilitate the exchange of services and assist the FAB CE programme, including the common procurement of high-level professional support, project management and administrative services. In the longer term, the company may also target new activities such as building common infrastructure.
“FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd may well become a significant contributor in core areas of expertise in the Single European Sky programme. Performance improvements supporting the delivery of air traffic management services in a larger operating area can result in considerable savings,” said Kornél Szepessy, Chairman of FAB CE CEO Committee and CEO of HungaroControl.
The establishment of this joint venture is not only effectively aiming at the progress of FAB CE programme, but at the same time the Single European Sky (SES II) programme of the European Union.
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