On 12 June 2008 at a Ministerial Conference in Luxembourg, the Ministers of the seven States signed a Declaration of intent to establish FAB CE while starting the process of termination of the CEATS Agreement. As a next step, the States agreed to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) setting the frame in which a formal FAB Agreement would be negotiated.
The CEOs of FAB Central Europe (CE) attended the Constitutional Meeting of the CEOs’ Committee, in Budapest on 30 May 2008. The 7 ANSPs signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC), to further progress with the FAB CE preparation, developing a FAB CE Implementation Plan. A Project Charter is being prepared.
The CEATS Coordination Group (CCG) held its 20th Meeting at EUROCONTROL Headquarters in Brussels on 28 March 2008. Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia approved the FAB Central Europe (FAB CE) Feasibility Study and decided to take further steps towards the detailed definition and implementation of a FAB.
As a first step, the States have agreed to establish a Memorandum of Understanding setting the frame in which a formal FAB Agreement would be negotiated. A declaration of the Ministers of Transport is expected in June.
In addition, the ANSPs of the seven States have undertaken to negotiate and conclude with minimum delay a Memorandum of Cooperation under which the FAB CE Implementation Plan would be developed . This cooperation would also support the early implementation of some of the FAB elements by ANSPs, prior to the formal coming into force of the FAB Agreement, so as to deliver early benefits to the airspace users.
The FAB Central Europe (FAB CE) Feasibility Study (FS) has been concluded on 29 February 2008 and approved by its Steering Group ( FAB CE SG). The FS is now presented to the CEATS Coordination Group (CCG)/20, meeting on Friday March, 28 2008, for acceptance by the CEATS states and further decisions.
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