The Social Dialogue Forum, held on April 30 in Prague, was chaired by Mr Dragan Bilac, FAB CE CEOC Chairman, and co-chaired by Mr Janos Lakatos, who represented the FAB CE social partners, and is also the Chairman of the Danube ATCU, a trade unions association representing the air traffic controllers from Austria, The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.
The EC representative Mr Patrick Bernard, and Mr Zdenek Jelinek from the Czech Ministry of Transport, as the Chairman of the FAB CE Committee, also participated in the forum.
In his welcoming speech Mr Bilać expressed his gladness with having all social partners at the table after a two-year pause, since the last SD Forum took place.
The forum gathered nearly 40 representatives of trade unions from all FAB CE ANSPs, who were presented with: enhancements in particular activities of the FAB CE programs and projects, the Performance Plan, business results, proposals relating to operational issues and human resources management, establishment of the FAB CE common entity, and the Gate One initiative.
The participants were particularly interested in and expressed their concern about the SES2+ regulatory package which proposes further market liberalisation, and so far has passed several instances in the enforcement procedure at European institutions.
Mr Bilać announced that the next Social Dialogue Forum will be held in October 2014.
Presentations can be found here.