
FAB CE publishes Safety Toolbox reference guide to enhance safety management

FAB CE’s Safety Sub Committee has developed The Safety Toolbox, a collection of the harmonised FAB CE safety activities and best practices used by FAB CE air navigation  services providers (ANSPs), which is now available on the Publications and Documents pages of the FAB CE website.

“The document strives to support and promote safety awareness in the FAB CE by providing single source and free access information on the elements of the FAB SE Safety Management System,” said Matej Eljon, FAB CE Programme Manager and Director of FAB CE Aviation Ltd.

The best practices have been collected and processed by dedicated working groups established by the safety sub-committee, for external and internal use. “It is a living document which is frequently updated and can therefore be used as a reference document in cases where FAB CE safety processes need to be applied,” said Matej Eljon.

The FAB CE airspace alliance was created in 2008 to cover seven European countries and their ANS providers. The ANSPs have designed a safety management system (SMS) based on the applicable Single European Sky (SES) regulation, describing the structure, responsibilities and procedures. The FAB CE Safety management manual (SMM) describes the SMS in detail, and the safety toolbox provides an operational and live view of the system.

safety toolbox