
FAB CE sets outs near term milestones for new operational strategy

The new FAB CE operational strategy launched in February 2020 sets out some important near-term project milestones for its key joint programmes.

 By the end of 2021/22

  • FAB CE will jointly redefine its static cross-border airspace in accordance with the outcomes of the Network Manager’s (NM’s) airspace reconfiguration programme for the particular hotspots in which FAB CE air navigation service providers (ANSPs) will actively participate;
  • FAB CE will jointly implement outcomes of the NM’s operational excellence programme. This includes at minimum implementation of pilot common project (PCP) system capabilities required by this deadline and advanced interoperability improvements as enablers for operational excellence;
  • FAB CE will implement other short-term strategic objectives required to enable implementation of more extensive cross-border arrangements;
  • FAB CE will jointly plan and optimise its technical infrastructure and seek opportunities
    for co-operation in other technical services, including smart procurement.


By the end of 2025:

  • FAB CE will implement evolution of the static X-border scenario based on the fulfilment of the identified prerequisites;
  • FAB CE will review its strategic position regarding dynamic airspace management and depending on the strategic decisions made, FAB CE will implement other longer-term strategic objectives required to enable dynamic airspace management and capacity-on-demand arrangements, such as implementation of liability and financial compensation mechanisms and training and licensing requirements;
  • FAB CE will continue to actively participate in the NM’s airspace reconfiguration and operational excellence programme at network level;
  • FAB CE will jointly implement technical capabilities for ground-ground and air-ground connectivity required by the Airspace Architecture Study;
  • FAB CE will progress with digitalisation of the services and implement common technical services, including performance-based communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) services, as and when beneficial.


By the end of 2030:

  • Depending on the strategic decisions made, FAB CE will further progress its digitalisation and gradually transit towards higher level of automation supported by coordinated/joint implementation of SESAR solutions;
  • Depending on the strategic decisions made, FAB CE will implement the concept of ATM data provider (ADSP), as and when beneficial;
  • Depending on the strategic decisions made, FAB CE will continue working jointly on implementation of further enablers for implementation of new concepts in the long-term horizon (by 2035), such as flow/flight centric operations, trajectory-based operations and service-oriented air traffic management.

FAB CE also will jointly participate in the SJU large demo (VLD) on dynamic airspace management for the relevant hotspots in the FAB CE region, timings to be agreed

See also