FAB CE and FAB EC are happy to invite you to the Research Workshop that will be hosted on 14-15 May 2019 in Budapest.The aim of this fragmentation workshop is to bring greater clarity to the concept of fragmentation.
We propose to focus the discussion on the policy aspects of fragmentation in particular on the following issues:
- How should “fragmentation” be defined
- What are the negative and positive aspects of fragmentation?
- How can fragmentation be measured and how is it distributed?
- What is the impact of fragmentation of the aviation chain on the performance of the ATM system in respect to safety, capacity, environment and cost-effectiveness?
- How can we define an optimum equilibrium between benefits and disadvantages of fragmentation and how can we achieve this balance?
- What is the relevance of fragmentation to the operational domain, for instance with regard to sector compositions or ideas such as a single European Upper Information Region (EUIR)?
- What is the relevance of fragmentation to technology?
- How can Functional Airspace Blocks contribute to overcome fragmentation?
There are many other unanswered questions on the issue and our intention is to remain open to novel interpretations and approaches. We want to encourage researchers, acedemics, practicioners and decision-makers to providing a forum for mutual exchange of information. The workshop will feature contributions from the fields of aviation, economics, policy, law and management that focus on the impact of fragmentation on performance and policy-making. Interdisciplinary research is particularly encouraged. We welcome theoretical and empirical papers as well as practice-oriented contributions, e.g. case
studies or best practice approaches (including inputs from other industries). We also invite Bachelor, Master, Diploma or PhD students to present their work. As research is always work in progress, we encourage scholars to present their research findings from all stages of study.
In addition to the presentation of submitted papers, keynote speakers will provide insights into the topic. The workshop is free of charge, but the organizers cannot cover travel or accommodation costs of participants. However, for students, limited funding for travel costs might be available. Please indicate in your submission, whether you require assistance in this regard.
Call for Papers
You are invited to submit an abstract (not more than one page) that contains author(s), research question(s), data gathering, analysis methodology and expected results as pdf- or Word-file to
Important Dates
7.12.18: Submission deadline for abstracts (max one page)
21.12.18: Notification of acceptance
15.4.19: Submission deadline for full papers (max 8 pages)
30.4.19: Registration deadline for the conference
14/15.5.19: Research workshop
FABCE: Vilmos Somosi,
FABEC: Matthias Whittome,